A NORA Showreel featuring Franklin Shanks | Retail Property Strategy

Let us help you take care of your retail property requirements. Jaymie Rowland is our retail property specialist and works with well-known retailers to reduce their property risks. Jaymie and her team take care of the time consuming and often time-critical details associated with running a robust, profitable retail portfolio, so retailers can focus their time and energy on growing their businesses. 

Late last year, Jaymie had the pleasure of sitting down with Paul Waddy at NORA - National Online Retailers Association to highlight the importance of a strong property strategy for retailers. Listen or read their interview below for valuable insights into Jaymie’s retail knowledge. 

For more on the NORA Network visit their website here. 

Get in touch with Jaymie on [email protected]

[Paul Waddy | NORA]
Welcome to the Nora Showreels. My name is Paul Waddy. I am a member of NORA advisory committee and an ecommerce advisor, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn if you want to learn more about what I do. Today we are lucky enough to be joined by Jaymie from Franklin Shanks. Welcome and thanks for joining us at NORA.

[Jaymie Rowland | Franklin Shanks]
Thanks so much Paul it is nice to meet you

[Paul Waddy | NORA]
Why don’t we start with a little bit of background about the company and the role you play inside the company?

[Jaymie Rowland | Franklin Shanks]
Yes- so Franklin Shanks is a commercial real estate advisory firm, we have been around for about 14 years now. I am relatively new to the team, and joined last year to head up our retail division. We look after commercial property from office to industrial to anything that you could think of that your business might need, but my passion is retail. I have been a retailer for longer than I am ever going to tell anyone here, so we help with everything from overall property portfolio management through to individual leasing acquisitions and pitfalls and things like that.

[Paul Waddy | NORA]
So your niche is retail, what makes Franklin Shanks different? What makes you the best?

[Jaymie Rowland | Franklin Shanks]
I like this question. We are different because we are small. We are a boutique agency and we were founded by Mike Franklin and James Shanks who both worked in large institutional corporate commercial real estate agencies -who shall remain nameless. They found they were consistently butting up against conflict between tenants and landlords, when you are one of the big firms and you have clients who are landlords and clients who are tenants someone is going to lose out, and invariably it is the tenant that loses out in that situation. So, we were founded to be entirely tenant focused. We do not represent landlords, and that allows us to not have any conflict of interest when we are negotiating a deal. 

[Paul Waddy | NORA]
Interesting… so you are right on the tenants side, I like that already; this is an interesting one, I think in our stage as retailers or online retailers that we all have had to look  at commercial property and often we go it alone and don’t always know what we are in for and things like incentives and all the terms of the lease, what are the things that retailers should come to you for rather than going it alone?

[Jaymie Rowland | Franklin Shanks]
Ughh, everything; and come to us before you sign anything. Seriously we often start conversations with people when something has gone wrong, when they have already signed a lease and they are stuck in it for whatever reason[[interviewer] “trying to back out of the lease?”] correct! Yes, over the last 18 months or so there has been a fair bit of that, so we certainly say that it is what we do all day every day, you know we spend every day talking to agents and operating in that marketspace so we know it inside out and read leases every day. Whereas even an average sized retailer who might have anywhere from 20 to 100 stores is still not doing that as a daily activity, and it is hard and you miss things and you are under time pressure—a lot of that fine print and critical dates can get lost.

[Paul Waddy | NORA]
I think that is a really good point and there are a lot of retailers –independent retailers, that occupy a lot of real-estate and they really don’t know what they don’t know, would I be right in saying that you could help a retailer not just in finding a property and getting them a great deal, but also as you pointed out; helping them through difficult stages as well where you may need to re-negotiate or even try to quietly exit a lease.

[Jaymie Rowland | Franklin Shanks]
Yup!, there has certainly been a lot of those conversations lately. We find we add value because we can be a little bit of a buffer and sometimes it is the case, particularly with independent landlords and tenants where, perhaps; the relationship has just broken down over time and no one is getting anywhere anymore. So, we sit as almost a neutral party and can say: “we know this is what the market rate is, we know what incentives look like at the moment; this is what we know to be a fair deal, it puts a little bit of a breather in place and allows the relationship to move forwards because ultimately you have signed a lease—whether it is for 3 or 5 or 7 or 10 years and you need to be able to work with your landlord. Having us able to step in and whether you need us to play good cop or bad cop we can do both.

[Paul Waddy | NORA]

Retailers might look at using a commercial agency or a tenant representative as a cost, but I would look at it as the cost is well and truly more than absorbed by the incentives maybe that you are able to get that are not able to be accessed – [[Jaymie] “come and work for us!”] – Do you feel that is a fair call? 

[Jaymie Rowland | Franklin Shanks]

100%. We obviously don’t like to promise anything but it would be safe to say that we are not doing our jobs if we are not at least covering our fees by what we will save you. Everyone comes to us asking about what we can save them on their base rent, yes we can do that; but where we will really add value for you is in ensuring that the lease works for you and that we build flexibility in long term and that we remove as much ‘vaguery’ around the terms that are in the lease, so when something goes wrong you know where you stand and what you are entitled to, as opposed to ending up in lengthy negotiations with your landlord where it becomes a more hostile situation that it needs to be

[Paul Waddy | NORA]

Yeah I think that is a good point and one of I guess ‘gotchas’ that I have seen in a few leases and most of them have been stinkers, you know is not thinking about what happens when the lease expires and particularly when you are doing well and want to stay, exiting is one thing but what about the next 3 or 5 years and then all of the sudden you are hit with a 25 or 20% increase or God knows what else, what are some other ‘gotchas’ that people might not know about?

[Jaymie Rowland | Franklin Shanks]

I think certainly thinking about what happens when things go wrong is invariably- we all have a positive bias right?- and we don’t like to think about the rainy day. So it is things around whose responsibility are repairs and maintenance, who pays for what when something goes wrong, building in safety nets around how long you have if there is a breach of your lease—something people don’t tend to think about very often, and then those exit costs. At some stage you need to leave, hopefully because you have outgrown the space and everything is  doing really well, but negotiating better terms around that can save you again, quite a lot financially but also in terms of stress when you get to that point.

[Paul Waddy | NORA]

Who are some of the clients you are working with and then the second part of that question is-we have probably got some good retailers listening- who are some that you would love to work with?

[Jaymie Rowland | Franklin Shanks]

Look, so I am going to shy away from ‘who are some of the retailers you are working with at the moment’, I haven’t told any of them that I was doing this today. Confidentiality is something that we pride ourselves on and we find that is often really valuable. Where we have found our niche is with retailers who have quite a strong ‘strip’ focus. That is, if you are a retailer that is predominantly you know—Westfield or Vicinity, then you are dealing with only a couple of agents to manage your whole portfolio, whereas for retailers who are into bulky goods or neighbourhoods or strips they might have as many landlords as they have stores. And that is really time consuming and also tends to have a lot more emotions in play when you have independent landlords rather than institutionals, so that is where we have picked up most of our clients. People that have anywhere from 10 to 100 stores around the country and are just struggling to look after that function in house with one or two property people, and the reason we are here with NORA—we are a new solution partner for NORA—is because we see the evolution that obviously e-commerce has had a pretty good couple of years, which is awesome (and I am an e-commerce manager from way back so it is great to see the industry doing really well), but that the next evolution we see for a lot of those online pureplay retailers is branching out into physical and it is hard to do and it is hard to do well. We would love to put our hand up and say let us help you with that strategy from the start so that you get it right and you are signing leases that will hold you in good stead for the life of the lease. 

[Paul Waddy | NORA]

Yeah, I think that is a great way to round it out and speaking from experiences I wish that I had used tenant focused agencies right back at the start—you nailed it before—you will be more than covering the fee that is involved and not to mention the heartache as well.
So, Jaymie; really nice to learn about Franklin Shanks so thank you so much for joining the NORA showreel.

[Jaymie Rowland | Franklin Shanks]
It has been my pleasure, thank you so much.

How our Global Network ensures we provide first-class Tenant Representation

Franklin Shanks is part of an extensive global network of best-in-class tenant representation experts, Exis Global. Mike Franklin, Co-Founder of Franklin Shanks, is an executive Board Member and Global Co-Chair of this worldwide group. Founded by the world’s most respected and recognised independent tenant representation firms, Exis is dedicated exclusively to representing occupiers and corporate end-users without conflict of interest and with a goal of providing cost-saving outcomes.

Leveraging this close network enables Franklin Shanks to provide comprehensive services, thought leadership and local expertise across 40 cities throughout Asia Pacific, Europe and the Americas. In every way, our service is professional and consistent and allows us to manage the complexities of regionally diverse real estate portfolios effectively.

While other networks employ individual advisers in various countries to create a global presence, we work with established firms that are leaders in their geographic areas. They have a solid track record and extensive knowledge within their local markets. Collaboratively, we provide our clients strategic consulting and pragmatic solutions whether they are local or looking to expand around the globe.

For further information on any global market, please contact Mike Franklin on [email protected]   

Employers are ready & Employees don't know what they want!

Last week we stumbled across an interesting read on employers’ eagerness to return to significant in-person interaction to save company culture while employees, simply put – are not. Published mid last year, this is still a very real issue amongst the workforce and let’s face it, for some time to come. 

Here is an overview: 

Employers are coming to terms with the whole concept of hybrid working. They want a new normal that is somewhat flexible but not dramatically different pre-covid. 

While Employees don’t know what they want are re-evaluating their relationship with work. For example, they expressed working from home drives fatigue and weakens their sense of belonging, but on the other hand, they discovered a connection to their home and family in ways that changed them.

A report McKinsey undertaken mid-last year found more than three-quarters of C-suite executives expected the ‘key’ employees to be back in the office three or more days a week. On the other hand, nearly three-quarters of around 5,000 employees queried globally would prefer to work from home two or more days per week. 

Furthermore, Leaders must come to terms with the future uncertainty of hybrid working, or key talent will continue walking out the door. Recent surveys found that 40 percent of workers globally are considering leaving their current employers by the end of the year.

Perhaps leaders need to embrace this opportunity for change and work with their employees to discover better ways to keep companies productive while caring for their workforces. There is no finish line, and the suitable longer-term working model is a work in progress.

To continue reading this article in more detail, you can find it here McKinsey Report.  If you need help finding a space that fits your strategy, we’re here to help. Contact Co-Founder Mike Franklin on [email protected]   


The Hype Around Hybrid Work – Across The Globe

There is no doubt the word ‘hybrid’ has been thrown around workplaces more than ever in the past two years. The hype is real and it’s across the globe as companies begin to brace for change and employees battle with what best works for them. We found 5 trending articles that delve into the pros and cons of a hybrid work model and its impact on productivity, company culture and talent. We hope they may provide useful insights to help navigate the challenges you may be facing and decide what’s right for your company.

  1. ‘It’s time for leaders to get real about hybrid work’ – McKinsey Report

  2. ‘Remote work is failing young employees’ – New York Times

  3. “Most Companies Keeping NYC Offices While Adopting a Hybrid Schedule: Survey” – Commercial Observer

  4. “How 15+ Tech Companies are Transitioning Back to the Office (Or Not)” – Fast Company

  5. “Zillow is Adopting a Hybrid Work Model, But CEO Is Trying to Prevent a “Two Class System” Amongst Employees” – Business Insider

If you need help finding an office space that fits your strategy, we’re here to help. Contact Co-Founder Mike Franklin on [email protected]

The Sydney Corporate Real Estate Market – past, present, and the return

With Sydney shaping up to be one of the longest locked down cities in the world, (yes Melbourne still wins), we look at the impact on the Sydney Corporate Real Estate market, and more importantly, what we can expect office life to look like as restrictions ease. 

2020 - Lockdown 1.0

When the lockdown struck in March of 2020, uncertainty spread amongst businesses and real estate took a hit. Following the lockdown from June to Christmas, the market rebounded strongly and the economy bounced back with multiple bailout packages for businesses and individuals.  

At the beginning of 2021, there was very high demand for commercial real estate, fuelled by high incentives and higher than normal vacancy levels. Interestingly, the whole​-floor market softened leading into June​, with increased demand for part​-floor/small suites. The market remained steady right through to May/June before lockdown 2.0. Face rents in the majority held firm, with incentives very much asset and Landlord specific.

2021 - Lockdown 2.0

Lockdown 2.0 has certainly slowed things down, although transactions are continuing and completing​, with interest from tenants aplenty. We are now seeing great underlying pent-up demand with corporate Australia looking ahead into 2022 in a vaccinated ‘no lockdown, no shut border’ environment. We certainly expect to see an increase in demand from Q4 this year with a progressive return to work as we hit the "magical" 80% vaccination rate.

Returning to work

The second lockdown has reinforced the value of face-to-face interaction​, and the importance of a place of work for collaboration and culture development. Employees absence from the workplace has reminded them of the benefits and the primary purpose an office serves. ​With restrictions likely to ease in stages, it will similarly be a staged easing back into the market.

The Workplace Hybrid model is here to stay in a variety of ways over the next few years. Flexible work arrangements, ​likely1-2 days per week, will continue to suit those with a longer commute, back-office staff and/or senior staff. Some business functions will also suit ongoing remote work better than others, with sales teams most likely to return quickly. A few weeks ago we also highlighted that many employees are requesting flexible 'work from anywhere' policies as a cornerstone for their hiring negotiations. Beyond talent retention, a hybrid model may undoubtedly prove more beneficial to mental health and wellbeing as employees find a cadence that works best for their individual situations​, and potentially having positive sustainability impacts as travel is reduced. 

Incentives & Rents

Currently, incentives are still ranging from low 30’s to 40% driven by stock with higher than market vacancy levels. Different precincts have different metrics, with the western core lagging behind stock opportunities in the core and mid-town. We see incentive levels maintained in the short to medium term with 'hidden incentives' such as delayed start dates continuing.

We expect face rents to remain fairly flat, with a tenant-led market right now. As we move into 2022 and 2023 we will see minimal face rental growth across the Sydney Commercial Market. 

Sublease space from the initial lockdown in 2020 was c.180,000sqm, now down to approximately 130,000sqm. Most of this sublease space has been withdrawn, for example, Macquarie and Deloitte, while the rest has been absorbed with above-market deals, quality, high-level fit-outs, attractive rents and medium lease tails.

In summary, it is evident the lockdowns have had a significant impact on the corporate real estate market and economy. The physical workplace will remain with a hybrid model adopted, a tenant led market will continue to see attractive incentives causing a continual drop in effective rental levels.

The future of the workplace. Let's take a step back; what is the primary purpose of an office?

Primary Purpose of an office.png

Inevitably, a pandemic that grasps our health and safety in its hands will transform how we work and go about our day-to-day activities. As corporate real estate advisors representing clients in Australia and globally, we have seen this impact our clients in many ways. Whilst the dynamics of workplaces continue to rapidly change and evolve, we can share what we have observed in the market over the past year of remote working and where we believe it is heading.

Employee's ability to ''adapt'' has become increasingly apparent. Businesses have reviewed their processes, and the ''old way'' of doing things has fundamentally started to feel like the new norm with some interesting but not necessarily surprising nuances. Technology will remain a key challenge for employers to ensure efficient accessibility to one another and remote data in the office and working remotely. For the majority, we've seen that both productivity and profitability is possible remotely. As we pointed out in our July post, we highlighted some global tech companies transitioning to permanent remote work, though this has iterated again to reduced numbers with some key global groups espousing a full return to the office. In contrast, other companies are still encouraging a hybrid transition back into the workplace. Management continue to navigate and derive best work practices for their teams who in their turn are reporting increasing frustrations working away from their colleagues. 

The critical question employers should ask themselves is; What is the office really for – the purposes a physical space serves and what drives individuals. Understanding these factors can help derive best workplace practices. So, we polled reasons why we would like to return to the office.

1.         Inspiring Environments 

While offices are, in some way, a home away from home, equipped with the essentials like a kitchen and a place to sit and work, they can also be inspiring spaces, purpose built to encourage great work. They have funky furniture, greenery, lighting, creative writing walls. Being in a distraction-free environment provides focus and time management, and limit distractions. At home we often encounter distractions and limited tech facilities, including sharing broadband and family demands that may cause productivity frustrations, whereas good office design provides a balance between collaborative and solitary spaces.

2.         Sense of Belonging & Socialisation

Going to the office provides socialisation and collaboration. Meeting rooms and areas to sit down and have a casual chat over a coffee, and indeed those “collisions” that occur in corridors, lifts and common areas are vital for everyone’s mental health. Many find a sense of belonging in their work environment, feeling valued and being a part of something that gives them purpose.

3.         Learning Styles

People's learning styles will strongly determine where they most thrive and feel most productive. Some people function better at a dedicated place of work, with the ability to “partition” their lives from family and friends. They like to connect, learn, create, and challenge together in a social environment with a team.

Additionally, there may be too many distractions at home and limited tech facilities including sharing broadband with every increasing family demands may cause productivity frustrations - good office design will provide balance between collaborative and solitary spaces.

Understanding what the primary purposes an office is, and an individual's preferences will help shape your return-to-work strategies. While offices aren’t disappearing just yet (our personal and professional view is that they will not disappear just evolve), the purpose they serve in people’s lives is changing and the office layout must change with them. Check out our other article that highlights the ‘top 6 workplace changes post covid-19’.

Top 6 Workplace Changes Post Covid-19

We'd like to share our observations on the common workplace changes taking place to ensure the health and safety of all employees post Covid-19!

  1. Private spaces
    While agile spaces will remain, there will be a greater focus on using portable walls to divide spaces and provide privacy.

  2. Technology

    With an increased % of people working remotely, there will be a strong reliance on efficient technologies to stay connected and support daily work activities.

  3. Enhanced Hygiene

    Workplaces will have a greater need to maintain personal hygiene. Frequent cleaning of workplaces, ensuring airflow is sufficient, and providing appropriate PPE.

  4. Mental Health

    Workplaces that promote mental health and support people with mental disorders are more likely to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and benefit from associated economic gains.

  5. Flexible Arrangements

    We all had a taste of it and now we expect it to stay. Workplaces are acknowledging the positive outcomes of flexible arrangements in boosting staff morale and improving physical and mental well-being. Not only is this being used in recruitment negotiations, but more and more workplaces are adopting this as permanent policy.

  6. Touch-Less Tech

    Touchless technologies are becoming the new norm in offices across the globe as concerns over employee health and safety continue to inundate us. Think contactless employee check-ins, auto taps and dispensers and automated entrances.

If you’d like to hear more on our thoughts, get in touch. We are observing major workplace transformations amongst our clients particularly from a design perspective and relocating offices.


Franklin Shanks Sydney
Level 5
285 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Ph: +61 2 8006 0734
E: [email protected]

Speculative suites are the ‘suite’ spot

Speculative Suites are the 'Suite' Spot IMAGE.png

In an ever-changing world, corporates in varying sizes, shapes, industry sectors and geographical locations are seeking flexibility in their leases with more and more demand in the small to medium sector for speculative suite fit outs (fit out speculatively refurbished by the landlord).

This is not a new concept and has been a market initiative over the past decade and longer, however, with the influence from hotels and residential display houses and apartments, design has stepped up dramatically by interior designers and landlords, looking to push boundaries in the latest ways to entice a tenant into their buildings.

The purpose of a spec fit out is to: a. reduce let up time and b. to offer a walk-in walk-out solution for the occupier. The design is aimed to be generic, catering for the broad business user whether technology, finance, education, healthcare or professional services. Spaces can be built out from 150sqm to a whole floor of up to 1,200sqm+.

With many of our clients looking to reduce not only OPEX but up-front CAPEX, these types of opportunities also take away the process of design and build, especially if time is limited.

Clients are wanting well designed creative and collaborative spaces for their teams including:

·      Open plan workspace - less dense and more open with a combination of sit/stand desks
·      Bench and stool seating
·      Multiple collaborative zones and booth seating
·      Team lounges and huddles
·      Dedicated and multi-purpose VC rooms for zoom/teams calls
·      Multiple enclosed meeting spaces with walk in A/V screens and/or projectors
·      Larger boardroom and multi-purpose rooms with bifold walls to create training areas
·      Large and multi-purpose breakout spaces and town hall/all hands zones
·      Kitchens with multiple fridges, water points
·      Exposed services in communal zones
·      Touch down areas with screens and data connectivity points
·      Diversity & Inclusion – parents/medical/healthcare/faith/reflection room
·      Health & Wellbeing – gaming, chillax, green room
·      Coms – dedicated IT infrastructure
·      Utility zones – printer, mail, bins/waste
·      Centralized storage – lockers, team storage, coats, stationery, merchandise

Overall, the design is key to ensure it appeals to a broad cliental. Designs are typically focused on warm timbers, creative use of glazing and lighting including pendant lighting, soft and neutral colour palettes, exposed services to create height, multiple floor covering types including polished concrete, stone, timber and a variety of functional and vibrant carpet, vinyl and laminate solutions.

A Tale of Two Sydneys

The Sydney we know and love is slowly making a strong return. The trains and busses are fuller, even the trams appear in regular use, fans are piling into the Sydney Cricket Ground for sporting events and we can finally dance at venues. However, not everything is completely back to normal. Businesses are still falling behind on their rents and looking to restructure or exit their lease. The city is and will be grappling with the effects of COVID-19 for some time. 
Portions of the city are making decisions around ‘space’, whether they are renewing an existing lease or looking for improved spaces for employees to return to. They know that the Sydney CBD vacancy rate is still double the norm at approximately 9%, and there remains 170,000sqm of sublease space, many with stylish and new fitouts. Amid concern about remote work as a long term strategy, many have acknowledged that returning to work, even in a hybrid capacity, is critical for human connection, productivity and employee morale, therefore, wanting to get the best possible deal before full recovery is upon us. 

However, in other parts of Sydney, we see a city where businesses across all industries are still reeling from the effects of the pandemic and doing their best to survive. Since as early as March 2020, we have been working with clients to terminate leases, negotiate rent relief or sublease their spaces. Though Sydney seems to be in a stable state of recovery, the pandemic has damaged many businesses for the foreseeable future and decision makers are left with unused or un-affordable space in its wake.

No matter what position your business finds itself in, we're here to help guide you in the weeks and months ahead by candidly sharing what we're seeing to ensure you arrive at a place where you can make the right strategic decisions for you and your business.

Please reach out to me at [email protected] or (02) 8006 0734 if you have any specific questions or would like to discuss how wecan help with your particular real estate needs.

Mike Franklin 

Franklin Shanks

Ace your next commercial space: use a Tenant Representative

How often do you move offices or sign commercial leases? Probably not often enough to be an expert. That's where tenant representatives come in. We're experts at finding spaces and negotiating leases because it's our day job. 

A tenant representative works for you – the tenant. Assisting you to secure a new space for your business or renew an existing one. We work with you to understand the needs of your business, then source and negotiate the best deal possible; freeing you up to get on with what you do best. 

Top 5 reasons tenant reps make sense:

  • We understand your business. Before you even tour a space, a tenant rep gains a sound understanding of your business, operations, and strategy, to best ascertain your needs now and throughout the term of the lease.

  • You see the whole market. A tenant rep has access to a range of data sources and market intel. They know when leases are due to expire, who is moving and what developments are underway.

  • A smooth and efficient process. Finding a space is time-consuming, with research, visits, analysis, negotiations and legals on multiple sites. A tenant rep takes care of the work so all you need to do is tour the most suitable spaces, decide and sign.

  • Specialised negotiation. Commercial real estate negotiations can be complex and jargon filled, so don’t be at a disadvantage. Engaging a tenant rep restores the balance of power with the landlord and ensure you negotiate the right lease terms for your business.

  • A long-term relationship. Good tenant reps don't disappear once the lease is signed. They'll help you take the next steps on the path to your new space and be available for friendly advice over the course of your lease. And should your needs change, your Tenant Rep can help you negotiate the best outcome on your existing space.

At Franklin Shanks our mantra is, ‘Buildings may be brokered; Our clients are represented’. We are proudly independent advisors, meaning we don't get paid by landlords to broker their spaces. With no conflicts of interest, we prioritise your business above all else: securing you the right space on the right terms, every time.  

If you would like to hear more about what we do, grab a coffee, or explore how we can add value to your business, please reach out at [email protected] or give us a call on 02 8006 0734. We love a chat. 

Franklin Shanks connects with The NORA Network – Powering the future of Australian retail


Franklin Shanks are excited to announce our partnership with The NORA Network (National Online Retail Association), joining as a Solutions Partner. With over 19,000 members (and growing) throughout Australia, The NORA Network focuses on connecting the omnichannel retail marketplace, bringing together retailers of all sizes with solution partners and industry bodies in a supportive exchange of ideas and industry insights.

Founded by Paul Greenberg, The NORA Network serves as the industry catalyst for collaboration and connection through a variety of platforms including NORA TV, leader lunches, The Retail Virtual Portal, Solutions Marketplace, and annual core events. 

As Paul likes to say, the future of retail is 'Phygital', and that's where we step in. 

Franklin Shanks Retail Solutions leverages and expands on our deep understanding of property strategy, supporting our clients to review, optimise and digitally enable their physical retail presence and ecommerce delivery. We proudly work exclusively for our awesome retail tenants, meaning we never represent landlords, so we can ensure you have the right space for your business, on the right terms, every time. 

Post pandemic, as omnichannel retail evolves faster than ever before, forecasting your ecommerce fulfillment centres, stores and physical experience spaces has never been more critical, nor more challenging. We understand the importance of flexibility, scalability and data driven location strategies, and we thrive on developing creative solutions for a new era of retail.  If you’d like to hear more about our Retail Solutions, please get in touch with Jaymie Rowland on [email protected] or connect on linkedin.

To find out more about The NORA Network click here.

Our summary - Australian British Chamber of Commerce International Women’s Day Breakfast

Yesterday morning, the team at Franklin Shanks and a number of our clients attended the Australian British Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) International Women’s Day breakfast. The excitement amongst the crowd was palpable from the moment of entering the venue, for many attendees this event being their first large gathering since COVID-19 began. As one of the principal corporate sponsors, we were very excited to be part of such a significant event exploring conversations around building a bright future for women in the workforce. 

The panel discussion was led by Sally Loane, CEO, Financial Services Council, supported by other notable guests including:

-        Ming Long AM, Non-Executive Director

-        Dr Meraiah Foley, Deputy Director of the Women & Work Research Group, University of Sydney

-        Cathal O’Rourke, Managing Director, Laing O’Rourke

Women Day Breakfast 2021.jpeg

COVID sent everyone home at once which had immediate and lasting impacts upon and the family dynamic. As Ming highlighted, ‘Women in particular are electing to embrace their new productivity of working from home. As for men, there wasn’t really the opportunity to engage back into home life as they didn’t feel it was okay. Now having a taste of it we are starting to embrace working from home and breaking the moulds that have been sitting in place for years.” While younger parents are very keen to be back in the office, everyone is different. That’s what flexibility is - giving employees the choice of the model which works for their personal circumstances, as well as for the business. The promising trend we have seen during COVID was that managers realised work really does get done from home, a reversal from long-standing assumptions that workers at home aren’t productive. 

Ming continued to drive the message home “9 to 5 needs to go out the window. We need leadership to establish how teams are going to work more effectively. The assumption that it is much easier to manage you by, if I see you, I can manage you. The problem before covid was leadership believed you couldn’t work from home because I can’t see you - so we need to break these status quos. I need all that language to go out the window and we need to talk more hybrid.” 

Cathal added, ‘We were already a bit flexible pre-covid, leaving work early to pick up children but it was a bit of a secret, now we’re shining the light on it.’ He hopes the open and transparent shift to flexible working will remain permanent, but also stressed the need for companies to table the conversation around what works for all parties – such as requiring specific days in the office. 

Dr Foley shared thoughts on the impact upon managers, observing that, “Managers have told us, we need training and time to learn how to manage in this different context…” Dr Foley thinks it is too early to say if this is a permanent change but if we want to lock in some of these changes it is going to start with leadership, and leaders need support in order to adapt to the changing landscape. Ming was quick to support this notion and summed it up in 3 words: Fail. Learn. Change. 

Next, we moved on to the topic of the men to women ratio in the construction industry. There is a fantastic programme in which Cathal is involved in called STEM Plus, which attracts women in schools into the construction and engineering industry via hands on experience. Starting at early ages has ingrained the interest in the industry and yielded great results with graduates going on to become engineers, interns and construction lawyers. 

The gender pay gap is another continuing problem and the social economic impact is great. Overall women are still paid 13% less than men and that is the best-case scenario at the moment. As Ming put it “Some women feel they need to stay in relationships due to a lack of financial independence or in roles they may not necessarily be happy in and I want to make a point that you will never get the best from these people”. The moral injury and trauma attached to individuals who feel like they can’t raise certain issues, what we lose as a result of this could be avoided if they had been safe in their role. What we weren’t aware of was the alarming fact that the fastest growing segment of homelessness in Australia is women over the age of 55 following divorces due to their lack of economic freedom.

An interesting thought raised by Dr Foley was occupational bias. How occupations dominated by men pay more than occupations dominated by women, think aged care and nursing. It is important to understand what that means and how it contributes to long-term things like superannuation and economic freedom. We looked as far as how we bring up pay increase discussions and Dr Foley raised that inequality applies to compensation conversations as well, citing a scenario of when women ask for a pay rise to a male managerial position, they are perceived as too forthright, overstepping their boundaries, contrary to the positive reaction their male counterparts receive. 

 The discussion ended on a strong note. We have all seen the recent government issue covering headlines which stemmed the conversation around misconduct in the workplace. The essence of the conversation was companies might believe that they have processes in place to protect their reputation and their employees. But the true way to measure the effectiveness of these policies is to see whether the impacted individuals are still with the company a year later. So, while we are encouraging women to join the industry are we pushing for a more equal and fair workplace? Are we really building bright futures for women in the workplace? We emphasis the message of ‘choose to challenge’.

For more information please visit https://www.internationalwomensday.com

Offices are not disappearing; they are changing for the better

We saw from the PCA Office Market Report earlier this year, Sydney CBD recorded its highest vacancy in 7 years at 8.6%. This trend is echoing across the country in our state and territory capitols as the COVID-19 pandemic shook office markets. It seems the common theme on every newsfeed and conversation in the office is, what does the future of workplace look like?

We believe offices will continue to exist but with a very different dynamic. We were already on the trajectory to change as our work environments embraced open floor plans and became agile to encourage flexibility and support health and wellbeing. This will continue, with a stronger backing as companies grapple with changes. Buildings are also continuing to be upgraded to touchless technology with things like automatic doors, taps and lights.

As the saying goes, ‘Change brings opportunity’. A pandemic like COVID-19 blindsided us but at the same time it was inevitable and the disruption it has caused has brought both inconvenience and opportunity to adapt to a new norm. A new norm of healthier, safer and more productive office spaces.

To continue on this path, we need to look back at the past year and re-evaluate how we use our current and future spaces at work and home. Some companies may consider sub-leasing a section of their space as they accommodate an increasingly flexible workplace, or they may consider reconfiguring their space to ensure social distancing is met.

At Franklin Shanks we have been assisting many of our clients with their workplace and property requirements to ensure continued future success. This includes:

1.     Lease renewal negotiations

2.    Stay v Go Review and Recommendations

3.    Strategic Real estate Advice – consolidation v expansion strategies

4.    Workplace delivery advice and strategy – connecting to reliable partners

5.    Finding new spaces

If you are unsure how to best approach your workplace and property strategy, we are happy to have a chat and help you make the right decisions for your company and team.  

You can contact us on [email protected] or phone +61 2 8006 0734



Exciting New Sydney Headquarters sees Franklin Shanks Expand its Service Offering

Despite the current economic climate, leading corporate real estate advisory firm, Franklin Shanks continues to expand its tenant representation and advisory offering across Australia, upgrading to a brand new office within the Sydney CBD. 

With offices also in Singapore and Hong Kong and a partner network of over 37 cities through Exis (exisglobal.com) Franklin Shanks delivers a comprehensive range of advisory services across multiple industry groups, offering corporate, industrial and retail occupiers services including strategic planning & workplace analytics, acquisition/disposition, ongoing portfolio management and a fully integrated project and construction management service.

According to Mike Franklin, Co-Founder of Franklin Shanks, “This new premises on Level 5, Nelson House, at 285 Clarence Street further complements our core principles of sustainable design, providing an open and collaborative working environment for our staff, clients and partners in a beautifully restored heritage building, adjacent to Town Hall”.

285 Clarence Street is a stunning warehouse building built in 1910. Regarded as Sydney's first skyscraper, the steel beams are manufactured by the same company who supplied the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The building has undergone an extensive internal and external refurbishment and has the potential for a city rooftop bar/ restaurant with uninterrupted 360 degree views.


Operating Expenses and Your Lease – The Golden Opportunity to Maximize Savings, Pt 2

Originally posted by our Exis Partner Darius Green of Keyser

This is part 2 of a 2-part series on Operating Expenses within a lease negotiation. In part 1 of the series, we discussed defining “operating expenses” and a small sample of items which should be excluded from your lease operating expense definition.

Now that you know the importance of negotiating the definition of operating expenses in your commercial lease, let’s take a deeper dive into how those same operating expenses can be structured into your lease.


In commercial leasing there are three basic types of operating cost lease structures:

  1. Industrial Triple Net (NNN) – Tenant is responsible for, and contracts directly with, vendors for any and all building services needed. Theoretically, the landlord should not have any building operating costs to pass through to the tenant; however, there are many Industrial Triple Net leases that occur in industrial parks with common areas that incur operating costs and must be maintained along with association fees. Therefore, even in industrial leases it is important to negotiate common area maintenance (“CAM”) and operating cost provisions carefully.

  2. Full Service Gross – In a true full service gross lease the landlord contracts with and pays directly all of the vendors for building services and includes those costs (pro rata share for each tenant) in the base rent that is collected from the tenants without any separate charge (e.g. operating cost escalations) to the tenant. Because the landlord is assuming all the risk of rising costs for the operation and maintenance of the building, true full service gross leases are a rarity.

  3. Modified Gross – Landlord passes “operating costs” through to the tenant for reimbursement of fees for which the landlord has contracted directly with, and paid vendors for, building services. Typically, a tenant is billed separately for its share of building operating costs in addition to base rent. There are several types of the modified gross lease: Base Year, Expense Stop, Stipulated Base Amount, and Office Triple Net.

A Base Year Lease establishes a baseline of operating expenses for the tenant. The landlord and tenant agree that the total operating expenses in the “base year,” as defined by the lease, will establish the baseline value or contribution for which the landlord would be responsible. Typically, this is the first calendar year of the lease term but can be defined as another annual period. The tenant is responsible for the pro-rata share of operating expenses that exceed those expenses incurred in the base year in the subsequent comparison years. A tenant’s pro rata share is the rentable square feet of the tenant’s Premises divided by the rentable square feet of the Building/Project. Outside of the previously mentioned full service lease, this is generally the most tenant-friendly structure in office leasing.

Gross-Up” concept

Building operating expenses can fluctuate depending on levels of vacancy which change from time to time over a lease term, especially if a tenant is in a building with high vacancy. To protect the tenant from wild swings in operating expense costs, a gross-up provision allows the landlord to equitably project costs as if the building was consistently occupied [typically 95% to 100% occupied depending on the market]. This provides the tenant cost certainty and when variable expenses are grossed up during the tenant’s base year, it prevents the landlord from adding more variable operating expenses in subsequent years when the building is fully occupied. This concept is also applicable in expense stop, stipulated base amount, or an office NNN lease.

Expense Stop Leases establish for the tenant a fixed dollar amount that represents what the landlord is responsible for contributing to operating expenses. This dollar amount is expressed in terms of dollars per rentable square foot which serves as an offset against the actual building costs in a given year. The tenant is responsible for the pro rata share of any excess that occurs after subtracting the expense stop amount from the actual operating costs.

Stipulated Base Amount Leases are very similar to expense stop leases with the main difference being that the stipulated base amount is expressed as a whole dollar amount instead of a dollars-per-rentable square foot, making it not subject to issues that can arise from rounding.

Office Triple Net (NNN) Leases allow the landlord to contract and pay for building services (unlike industrial NNN), and then pass those costs through to the tenant for reimbursement without any expense offset to the tenant starting from lease commencement. Unfortunately for the tenant, this structure is becoming increasingly popular with office landlords across the market at large.

Cumulative vs Compound Caps

Real estate taxes, insurance, snow removal (where appropriate) and utilities are non-controllable expenses in an office building; everything else is controllable. Tenants with leverage should be negotiating on an annual cap to make sure controllable costs don’t get out of hand from year to year, holding the landlord accountable in managing their operating expenses.

There are inconsistencies industry wide as to how caps are applied and usually those inconsistencies are driven by incorrect language on leases which the landlord produces. No matter the type of cap, they can be distinguished by whether they are calculated over the prior year, or from the first year of the lease (base amount). Generally, there are two types of caps: cumulative and compound.

Cumulative caps always reference the initial base period when the additive value of the cap is multiplied. Here is an example of a cumulative cap calculation formula at 4% over 4 years:

Year 1:  Base Amount

Year 2:  Base Amount x [1+4%]

Year 3:  Base Amount x [1+(4%+4%)]

Year 4:  Base Amount x [1+(4%+4%+4%)]

Compound caps reference the previous year’s value when multiplied to calculate the next year’s cap (if it is calculated from the base amount, it must be stated explicitly in the lease). Here is an example of compound cap calculation (over the prior year) formulas at 4% over 4 years:

Year 1:  Base Amount

Year 2:  Base Amount x [1+4%]

Year 3:  “Lesser Of” x [1+4%]

Year 4:  “Lesser Of” x [1+4%]

(“Lesser Of” is the lower of the prior year’s actual expense or the expense cap amount)

The advantage of the compound cap when calculated over the previous year is that if and when expenses either don’t increase, or increase less than the cap, the tenant saves money.

No matter what type of cap is negotiated we highly recommend examples using hypothetical numbers are included in the lease language to mitigate any confusion or misinterpretation when referenced later.

These are the major structuring terms for operating expense calculations; they are vitally important as they set the formula for the tenant’s operating expenses during the entire term of the lease. Do not underestimate the level of difficulty to obtain optimal terms with certain landlords on the structure; a good tenant-only broker can help you achieve optimal results.

Understanding how operating expenses are defined and how they can be structured into a lease is vitally important, so now that you know that and have negotiated appropriate terms with your team – how do implement and enforce this aspect of your lease?


Audit Rights

Of what good is negotiating an awesome lease, with tenant-friendly operating expense language, if the tenant does not hold the landlord accountable to the lease language during the term of the lease?

Having the ability to audit the landlord’s books and records is extremely important. In our experience, out of 10 leases for which we do a preliminary review, 7 to 8 have billing issues and of those, 2 to 4 have enough issues to warrant auditing the landlord’s books and records.

I can’t underscore enough the importance of annual preliminary reviews to see if an audit is warranted, especially for larger tenants where realized savings from mistakes made by the landlord can be in the six- and even seven-figure range over the life of the lease – much more significant than that extra month of abated rent you might be overly focused on in a lease negotiation.

In conclusion, let’s do a quick review: excluding base rent and other explicitly financial landlord concessions to the tenant, operating expense structure, definitions, and implementation thereof financially impact the tenant more than virtually any other section of an office lease. If tenants don’t negotiate and exercise rights to conduct annual preliminary reviews to determine if a full audit is necessary, they are likely throwing money away and/or wasting the cost, time and energy of their team that negotiated optimal operating expense terms.


Operating Expenses and Your Lease – The Golden Opportunity to Maximize Savings, Part 1

Originally posted by our Exis Partner Darius Green of Keyser

Don’t Let Rental Rates and Landlord Concessions in your lease negotiations lull you to sleep.

Did I get your attention? Good. You know, then, that negotiating on your rental rate and landlord concessions are clearly important elements of any lease, but a common mistake that tenants and ineffective brokers make is over-focusing on those terms and practically ignoring other lease clauses that – if not negotiated effectively – will end up costing the tenant tens or hundreds of thousands, or even more, over the life of the lease.

A key provision which many brokers tend to under-emphasize, and landlords too often succeed in turning into an additional profit center, is the definition and treatment of operating expenses. If poorly negotiated, this section of the lease can make a landlord richer while crippling a tenant slowly over time. For this reason, terms dealing with operating expense calculations and definitions are the number one money saving clauses to negotiate aggressively besides your rent or concessions.

In this two-part series, we will focus contextually on Base Year Office leases, but much can also apply to Office NNN leases and even some Industrial NNN leases. This writing is not intended to be exhaustive or comprehensive and should not be relied upon as legal advice or even real estate advice for your specific situation. As always, I encourage you to engage a vetted “tenant-only” broker from a “tenant-only” firm and an experienced real estate attorney as part of your real estate team prior to engaging in the process leading to a lease transaction of any kind. This writing is more technical than my usual, and starts with defining operating expenses, so buckle up… let’s go!


Operating Expense Definition – This is where the rubber meets the road. When the landlord is calculating operating expenses, this portion of the lease will dictate what is and isn’t allowed in the calculation, and will be relied upon should a dispute arise. This language should be thorough, concise, and clear.

What should be included and excluded in Operating Expenses?

This topic alone could be covered in several blogs, and the purpose of this writing is to highlight some of the biggies and to alert you to the importance of hiring a good broker and real estate attorney to help negotiate legal and market-appropriate terms when it comes to these provisions in your lease.  Therefore, this list is not intended to be exhaustive, but will simply highlight some of the more important items. Please also keep in mind that there are items that are acceptable operating expenses in one region that may not be in another. For example, snow and ice removal in Phoenix is not an acceptable operating expense, while it most certainly is in Chicago.

Generally, the operating expense definition should include items which are appropriately associated with the cost of operating the office building; this could include the real estate taxes, utilities, insurance, management, maintenance, repair of the building, project, and premises. The following are a few examples of what should be excluded from the operating expense definition in a lease (consult with your tenant broker for a complete overview):

  • Tenants should exclude the cost of Capital Improvements, Capital Expenditures, Capital Repairs, and Structural changes made to the building or property. Assuming these repairs, improvements, expenditures or structural changes are original to the building and in the mortgage, the benefits of those capital improvements will benefit the landlord far beyond the expiration of the lease and tenants do not have an equity position in the property (generally).  There are a few common exceptions and caveats to this exclusion that are generally accepted that we will not delve into here, but your tenant broker can walk you through in detail.
  • Depreciation and Amortization Charges for the Property and for Capital Equipment – In a typical scenario, if the landlord were to pass these items through to the tenant as an operating expense it would be an unreasonable profit center because the landlord should be depreciating these costs annually as a taxable expense, and these costs should already be covered by the rent collected by the landlord.
  • Corporate Overhead/Executive Salaries – This one can be tricky to properly define because of some of the grey areas that occur with landlords that are performing their own supervision and management of the property – which can be a huge and sometimes unreasonable profit center. The key is to focus on excluding expenses that are related to the operation of the landlord’s business or businesses, versus the operation of the building or project. Including language that limits management expenses is also advisable.
  • Advertising/Promotional expenses for the Project, Building or Premises – Much like the above exclusion, this is a cost a landlord incurs in attracting revenue, not the cost of operating a building.
  • Leasing Commissions and Related Expenses – This is the cost of doing business as a landlord and clearly should not be passed on to the tenant as an operating expense. Primarily, it should already be underwritten into the rent and would be double dipping.

Now that you understand a little more about how operating expenses are defined in your commercial lease, in part 2 of the series we’ll look at the different types of operating cost lease structures. Stay tuned!

The Office of the Future

The Office of the Future

Despite the futuristic vision of humans being freed from the office chains by an army of robot workers, the need to think about the future of the office environment remains and is a constant topic of interest in the world of commercial real estate. Considering how much time employees spend in the company office and the growing mountain of knowledge we have on how this environment often falls short of expectations, the office of the future is certain to be different to today’s.